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Feather Dray Farms

Our Farm

It started with a dream. A dream to be able to share our love of horses with our children. Eric having grown up on the back of a horse really wanted to raise his children with the values of family and hard work and when you combine the two the possibilities are endless.

We get the joys of getting to raise our kids and horses together. Watching them all create bonds with one another and the joy our kids get seeing their hard work pay off.

Horses are good for the heart and even when times can be tough you can ride through any terrain on the back of good horse metaphorically and physically.

We stumble across drum horses accidentally, having worked with quarter horses and clydesdales mostly. We met a few gypsy vanners over the years and through owning our clydes and researching gypsies we found the drums and fell in love. the best of everything. Sweet gentle dispositions, power and stamina, color and feather. 


What is a Drum?

The Drum Horse is a combination of any of the following breeds: Shire, Clydesdale, and Gypsy Horse, where the Gypsy horse does not exceed 50% of the total make-up or fall below 6.25%. Horses with greater than 50% Gypsy or less than 6.25% Gypsy will be placed in the Foundation Drum Book of the International Drum Horse Association.

Drums are a very versatile new breed in the making. They have been proven in may different fields, dressage, jumping, working cattle, endurance, just to name a few.  We personally love them as they are gentle giants with pleasing attitudes that want to work, and are great for everyone in the family.

Our young drums have gone on to show and place respectably in their categories, earning titles such as Grand Champion Drum Stallion and Reserve Champion Drum Mare 
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