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Get to Know

Our Mares


Feather Dray's Willow Moon
The dam can often be over looked when people are looking for quality foals and just look to the sire. But 50% of that foal is the dam.
Our mares come from quality bloodlines that have been proven over many years.
Some of these girls have extensive show backgrounds or have produced many foals that have gone on to place well at shows in the Clydesdale and Drum world.
Since we have gotten into Drums these mares have continually out done themselves and have produced us Grand Champion Drum Stallion, Reserve Champion Drum Mare, and many others that have placed well in their categories.
Confirmation is key and one of the most important things we look at along side personable dispositions.
We are a small family operation and it is very important to us that our children are able to help and handle the horses, so easy going temperaments are an important quality to us.
Our girls aren't just producers for show horses either they make hard workers, that want to please and will work all day if you ask them.
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